
It’s all about walking, apparently

Walking, walking, walking… I swear, sometimes it feels like that’s all mom does with the pack all day. I, myself, don’t go on the big pack walks, I can’t really keep up with that crazy pace they’re swooshing by at. Nope, the pugs and I like it nice and slow, just as our messed up bodies and faces intended. Thanks again for that one, HUMANS!




Did I ever tell you that Correia is crazy about water? Well, she is. The girl will dip herself into anything liquid. Sometimes it’s actually pretty damn gross. You’d be surprised how many different kinds of liquids you can find out in the woods… Anyway, mom took her to the lake all by herself (you lucky dog, we rarely go on one-on-one’s), and she had a field day out there! She dove, swam and splashed around like you’ve never seen before! The photos are pretty lame, but that’s just cuz mom had to put down the camera as it just got wetter and wetter.




Mom’s been working in the pet supply shop more than usual lately, and Sylvester always goes along. He’s perfect on the lead already, so now she goes out on a limb a little and lets him go without it, all the way to work (a 20 minute walk through different neighborhoods), and he’s just as good then! He follows, but isn’t obsessed with keeping an eye on mom ALL THE TIME, like before. Sometimes he’ll even walk up beside her! It’s great to have him in the shop, too, cuz he gets to practice meeting people. Last time, mom asked two little girls to help her out with socializing him, and they were happy to do it, so they stayed with him for a long time. Even after mom let him go on the floor (he was on her lap at first) the girls could walk up to him and greet him without him running away to hide, also like before. Fearful cases of this degree are the hardest to rehabilitate, mom says, but we finally see constant improvement in both Sylvester and Correia, who both suffered from big-time fear of people. Keep up the good work, bro. We know you can do it.


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I’ve been thinking for some time now that I should brag a little about my baby brother, Legolas. He’s never been this good and handsome in all his life, but now it’s definitely obvious he’s in his prime. Just had to let you know, but if you’re thinking I’ve gone all soft and smooshy, you better think again. I also told him being this great now can only mean it’s all downhill from here… Ha!

Yeah, well, it can only get worse, my brother.

Yeah, well, it can only get worse, my brother.

Staying grumpy,


Happy birthday, Legolas!!!

Yes, my baby brother finally turned 3, the age we always said he’d be all grown up. I don’t know that I notice that much difference in him, but maybe that’s cuz he’s been good for a loooong time now. It was also the first birthday of his that mom & dad were actually home. They’re usually on vacation this time of year, but since they’re apparently not made out of money and we did get a new house, it was an all Swedish, wet (the rainy kind) and cold summer for them, too! Ha! No lying around on the hot and sunny beaches of Spain while we’re left here to miss them… Ah, gloating is good… And a very happy b-day to my favorite (oh, well) blue-haired bro’ in arrears. Love you lots and lots!!

No longer a puppy… Congrats, 31/7 🙂

Yum, b-day dinner!


A little bit of everything

This weekend flew by so fast, and now awaits a long week before we can kick back at the house again. I love that house, we all do. It’s nice to get away from the city I’ve grown so tired of… And now I even have my own kitchen sofa to relax on! Alright, so it’s not my own, at least it wasn’t meant to be. But just give me some time and we’ll see what I can do about that…

Looking cute on my sofa.

Unwanted company…

I’d tell him to move but he’s gotten so big and…lumpy…lately. Nice or not, I’m not taking any chances!

I’d go and get Alfie but he’s out working…

…so I guess he can stay. There’s plenty of room for me on the floor anyway. And, it’s sunny!

Oh! And dad cut his hair (it’s about damn time, if you ask me…)!

You’re fooling yourself if you don’t think mom saved his pony tail (she washed it, dried it and cuddles it from time to time. Sick, I know)…

Momma made another painting. She was out of white so she hasn’t been able to paint for a while. This time she did Lego, in acrylic. Why he’s wearing a cardigan? Yeah, talk about humanizing! No, but it was actually a mistake. She finished painting the head and used up all the gray she’d blended. That took her a few hours so she was dead-tired and decided to make him a blue cardigan instead of blending some more… That’s “professional” for you… The lesson? Paint the whole thing at once instead of using up your energy on just one thing!

A year of blogging

I know, can you believe it! A year already! And I still enjoy it even!

So, how to sum it up? Well, I must say this little bulldog has quite the eventful life!

First of all, I’ve watched 3 of my little brothers grow up (Lego, Yoshi and Alfie), and the fourth one (Scooby) grow in confidence. 3 puppies in 2 years was tough, I’m not gonna lie.

Yoshi has always been a good boy, although a bit excentric. He does his own thing but he’s never caused a headache. Legolas, however, was a constant migraine attack! At his worst, we were all suicidal. But, look how he turned out! He’s now the greatest bro ever, even though he still gets on my nerves sometimes. To be fair, everybody kinda does at one point or another… Now, Alfie, he’s a different story all on his own! I’d say he’s been roughly the same pain in the butt as Lego, but in a totally different way. While Lego was a piece of work cuz he was so weak and insecure, Alfie’s been a troublemaker cuz he’s the total opposite! He’s confident and curious, and while that might not seem like a problem, pair it with dominance, independence and incredible strength, and you have teenage Rambo in a molossoid body! Oh, and add a natural affinity to guard and protect, and you have…that’s right: Alfie.

I remember one time when Lego was about 17 months old. It was Christmas and my folks were out somewhere. When they got home he had shredded the Christmas goat, made of straw, and spread it out on the e-n-t-i-r-e couch, which was tweed, so you can only imagine the clean-up work… Oh, and he’d also shredded a book mom got as a present and was still happily reading… Hahaha, I could’ve laughed myself to death. But I didn’t. At that point it would’ve literally ment my death.

Who knew this little cutie would be such a pain?

Alfie was never the destroyer-type, he’s more like an American football player. I stopped counting all of mom’s bruises, black-eyes and swollen lips a long time ago. Not to mention the torn palms, hurt knees, sore hips and back aches! You wouldn’t believe the dirty looks dad’s getting!

You’d think my folks would wanna lay off dogs for a while, but nope, not these two! Instead they brought home Scooby and Daysee from Spain, two strays they just happened to come across on their vacation. And what do you know, they’re two hunting dogs! A sniffer and a spy, at that, so we’ve now got a pair of hunters looking for prey in two different ways, which means more work, more commitment. I bet you get tired just by reading this! But don’t get too exhausted yet, cuz there’s more!

Oh, yes. Then we have the foster dogs! Laika and Pelle came from Spain to stay with us until mom found them a family of their own, and although Gigi, the third one, didn’t stay with us, momma had to find a home for her, too. And now, in the very beginning of the year of 2012, more dogs are a’comin’! Next week 3 more dogs will be fostered by us, all of them from Spain. 2 more will be situated somewhere else but mom is handling their adoptions.


Zuska & Guido.


Myriam & Michey.


It’s been quite the dog year…but we love it. I read somewhere (you didn’t know dogs can read?) that animal workers are indeed always out of money, but always rich on the things that matter the most, such as love, friendship, loyalty and companionship, to name a few. I like that saying, I think it’s correct. I think that you can only get so far with money, but all those other things can take you farther than anything else. What dogs offer to humans is priceless. If you let us we’ll even save you from your own destructiveness, something all you humans have within you to some extent. What you give us we return a thousandfold.

Furthermore, my personal change is in some ways pretty significant, in other ways not at all. I’d say I look the same, with the exception of a few gray’s here and there, and I’m still the same dog at heart. But unfortunately bulldogs are not made to live forever and my health conditions have made themselves felt this year. I still vomit on a regular basis but we try to control it as much as possible. I take medication for my arthritis but it’s obvious that I’m not as agile as before. You know, some elderly dog stuff. But to think I’m only 5! I plan on living twice that long! And you know me, I’m like a bad stain on a white shirt. Yeah… You’ll be seeing more of me for years and years to come. Super.

Bob, the blogging bulldog. Me in a nutshell.

……..!@%#?! Darn those teeny tiny letters! Where are my glasses anyway?! 


At the office. My office.

Oh, and you know what? Alfie is 16 months old today! Hooray for him… But seriously, can you imagine he looked like this exactly one year ago:

The big guy, at 4 months old. He’s got the head of a baboon, that’s for sure, but I guess he’s cute…

A baboon, courtesy of Wikipedia.

Other stuff that happened within the last year:

* Daddy had surgery

* Alfie had surgery

* Lego was hit by a car

* We bought a house

* So many birthdays…

* Alfie started going to hydrotherapy

* Momma turned 25, daddy turned 30.

* I got a YouTube channel,

My weekend in pictures

Dad was off work on Friday so we went up to the house a day earlier than usual. The weather was nice; the sun was shining and it was actually warm outside! Again, kinda scary for January in Sweden, but luckily no less comfortable! As I get closer and closer to my old age I feel more and more at ease with taking it slow. I’m no longer up for those 1,5 hour walks – hey, I barely make it half that long – and I can honestly say I enjoy sleeping a whole lot more. But, if the weather permits, I can easily stay out a little bit longer if I get to sit in the sun, which is my favorite spot, wherever it may be. So this weekend was a hit for me. Although we had a tiny bit of “snow” on Sunday, the sun was still out, heating me up with its radiant rays…it was just that poetic.

This is what we call my “fruit face”, simply cuz I look like a fruit while doing it. (I know it’s very clear already, but in case someone out there isn’t able to visualize it, by “fruit” I mean something like a pineapple). I make this face when I’m comfy.

Alfie plays hide-and-seek with Lego.


…10! Here I come!!! 

Our one-eared girl.

1, 2, 3.

Playing like crazies, those youngsters.


 Then mom decided to paint. She’s been nagging holes in our heads about painting, saying she’d love to do it but has no experience or knowledge so she’d feel stupid to. Well, she finally accepted the stupid-part and picked up one of those cheap brushes she bargained on a sale and went on with it. As she lacks any kind of creativity (I mean, she’s just a hairdresser, for God’s sake) she decided to paint a dog, and since she apparently also lacks style, she painted Alfie (cuz anyone could tell her I’d obviously be a better choice). 2 hours it took her, but in the end she was happy she had finished her very first painting! I made her promise to paint me too, and I told her I won’t get upset if it’s not perfect. After all, it must be really hard to capture all that beauty, right?

Alfie in acrylic.

Yeah, yeah, it’s nice. But 2 hours already!

Ev was bored.

But I assure you, I was bored-er. (This is what we call me being “demented”, by the way. It’s when I drift off into my own little world, still standing up. Just saying.)


At the house, every night is movie night, and this weekend was no different. Except for tons of Soprano’s episodes (it’s so good) we also watched Red Riding Hood… Such a sleeping pill, you guys. Like, don’t even bother. Please.

Here’s what I thought of the movie…

The Red Riding Hood effect.


We got back to the apartment last night, so today it was back to reality. And believe me, we wasted no time! While everybody in the pack but myself (well, I told you I’m not up for it!) went for a regular 40 minute walk, I stayed put in bed, waiting for the best to come. Then Lego, Scooby, Daysee and I were treated to some forest-fun! I really like that cuz I can move in my own pace and stop and smell the flowers… The others did no such thing, they were too busy chasing each other and looking for hares. These kids today…


I tried secretly scratching the ground after a good pee, although I know I’m not allowed to… Momma says it’s a dominant behavior to spread your scents all over the place, but you gotta love a dude for tryin’!

But then who has the audacity to urinate aaaall over my work well done, but my brother, the blue menace…

Damn you and that powerful squirt of yours!

Ladies and gentlemen, let me present to you the infamous look of a begging dog…or two.

And there it is, the look of hope. How cute.

Lego and I made up a competition, we call it “Model Search”. Whoever looks the best in a photo wins.

Strike a pose!

Wait, we’re not ready yet! 

And the winner is…..


…!!! Wh..?!? Who?! Daysee?! Nuh-uh! That’s not fair!

Well, I never! 

I was still upset about how Model Search turned out when I stumbled across these delicious little treats, just hanging from the trees looking all tempting. Unfortunately it was a no-go. All I had to do was look at mom to realize it wasn’t gonna work out the way I hoped for… Mom said it’s just like me to try to steal food from hungry little birds when I get properly fed twice a day myself. Well, since you put it that way… Stupid birds.

Tis the season

I’m finally in the mood for christmas. I owe it all to our tiny plastic tree, lots of lights and a bunch of ceramic santas. We’re a little late on decorating, but on the other hand we tend to leave it up much longer than custom, so we’re bound to get our share of the christmas spirit anyway… I’m still anxious to make snow angels, but from the looks of things I might have to wait while longer. All we have are crazy storms. The other day we almost blew away! And yesterday we weren’t even able to go to our house because the roads were blocked due to the weather. Now we’re here but it turns out our heater is broken so my folks are walking around inside the house with their outerwear on, and us dogs are freezing our little butts off! Hopefully, some guy is coming to fix it tomorrow. Oh, and grandma and Atlas are staying with us for christmas! It’s always nice to have them over, especially for the holidays. And we must not forget all the presents we’re getting (wink, wink, grandma)!

No, momma’s not huge, our tree is tiny!

Lego makes sure it’s done correctly.

All done!

Just the 2 of us…

See how pretty I am?

I could get use to this…

Look closely. How many dogs do you see?

Yep, he’s in there alright…

A recap of the weekend

I never knew a mop head could be so much fun!

But obviously Alfie did, so when dad took it back he threw himself after it!


Alfie and Lego went on this amazing walk through the forest with mom and dad. I’m so jealous! It was Alfie’s first time off-leash since being a young adult, and apparently he loved it. Mom said she really enjoyed seeing him in his element like that; wandering around while keeping a watchful eye on his surroundings…beautiful.

Oh, those two…

Lego’s alert and ready for some fun!

Oooh, are we playing fetch?

I’m coming, I’m coming!

I think someone might have been here before us!


Alfie is starting to get used to his massages, but it’s not exactly his favorite time of day yet… The good news are that his hind legs are not at all as stiff as they were when the physiotherapist tried stretching them, nor is his lumbar, so maybe his hips aren’t that bad at all! Looking back, we sort of feel like maybe the physiotherapist was a little fast making those statements of hers. I mean, of course he’s stiff and didn’t like her touching him like that, she’s a complete stranger to him! Either way, we’re staying positive and meanwhile mom’s keeping those muscles nice and stretchy!



Yesterday morning dad played around with Yoshi…

…but apparently Alfie wanted to play too…

…so dad tried playing in a way he wouldn’t jump (no good for his shoulders, you know), but as you can see he didn’t seem to agree with that…

The name’s Bulldozer. Bob Bulldozer.

Mom says Addy is the cutest dog she’s ever seen (hey, whatever happened to me being the cutest dog you’ve ever seen, huh?!). Uhh, she’s such a momma’s girl…

Y-man is a happy guy.

Oh, so now he’s the cutest?!

Hey, keep away from my rosehip!


What is it about Evian and that smooshy face of his? It’s like they can’t even look at him without kissing it!

Seems like mom’s in the mood to cuddle… I’m just wondering why I didn’t get a hug??


As you can see it’s not easy getting a good one of the whole family…

A package delivery for Mr Legolas…

There was something in the mail for Lego yesterday. Mom could immediately tell who it was from by looking at the handwriting – auntie F! We sat down in the livingroom to open his little package, and there it was – a cute card saying “Feel Better”, from cousin Simba. And what now? There’s something rustling in there, too! It was a piece of candy! The good news is that it’s just the kind I like, the bad news is it’s just for Lego… Darn it!

Oooh, what’s this?

Open it up, hurry!!

Look what I got! A lovely card and a some candy – YAY!! Thanks a lot auntie F, uncle D and cousin Simba :)!

Lego was hit by a car

On Friday evening mom was out walking Lego, Alfie and Yoshi. They had been walking for 2 hours straight, making only a couple of pee-stops on the way. It was extremely foggy outside, but that hadn’t stopped my brothers from doing exceptionally well! They had walked by her side the whole time, not paying attention to anything or anyone but her. They had passed several dogs on the way, all of them lunging towards them, without giving any reaction – not even Alfie! Mom had her music on since it helps getting her in the right mood, and she didn’t look down at the dogs once – it was all about moving forward.

After one last left turn, they were finally getting close to home. Now it was just straight forward, crossing the road, up a slope, and they’d be back on our street. As soon as they got on that straight path, mom kept visualizing where they would cross the road. Lego was wearing his usual lead; a simple rope with a loop on it. Alfie was walking on the right side of mom, which was beside the road. She kept Lego and Yoshi on her left – away from the road – because Lego’s not a fan of fast-moving cars… He always keeps a good distance from roads, he’s always known they’re dangerous.

Ironically, it was the fact that he was walking so good that ultimately led to the accident. See, when he’s walking beside you and there’s no strain on the lead, the loop gets bigger and hangs loosely around the neck. This isn’t new to my folks, but they never worried because Lego would never stray. If he gets loose, he simply keeps walking beside them anyway. This time, however, something went very wrong.

There were no cars on the road, and mom knew exactly where she was going to cross it. They only had a few meters to go, when all of a sudden she turns her head and sees Lego standing in the middle of the road! He wasn’t doing anything, just standing there, like he was waiting for something. A few seconds went by because mom couldn’t believe her eyes. What she was seeing didn’t add up with what she knew – that Lego would N-E-V-E-R walk out into a road. And by the way, how could he be standing there if he was walking right next to her? She glanced at his lead as to affirm that he was there, only to see that of course he was not.

The second she called him in, a car came out of nowhere – fast – and hit him. It was going way faster than allowed, and it hit the front half of him, continuing several meters with him pressed against the bumper before he was tossed to the side. The crash was loud, very loud. But Lego didn’t start screaming until afterwards. Mom rushed over and then he started screaming at the top of his lungs – it was a dreadful scream of sheer pain and fear. It was awful. Mom was of course in shock, but somehow she didn’t act on it. As soon as Lego looked at her she knew what she had to do. He had the look of asking her to help him, DO SOMETHING, PLEASE! Before she had reached him she had seen him pushing himself forward with the help of his back legs. He was lying on his stomach and his front legs looked deformed and lame. She pulled him up on the sidewalk and held him in her arms. She took out her cell phone and called Suzanne. They needed a ride to the vet and fortunately they were very close to home (Suzanne lives there too, remember?). When they hung up a woman came running. She had heard the crash (and the screams) from her house, and asked if mom needed some help. Mom told her she was already waiting for a ride, and thanked the lady so much for coming. The lady then asked where the driver was, and as soon as mom answered “well, don’t think he stopped!”, she looked up and saw him standing there… He was in shock, so mom had to calm him down, too! She said it was her fault since Lego shouldn’t have been there in the first place, but when she asked him how fast he was driving, he didn’t want to answer. The truth is that he probably would have been able to stop the car in time if he had gone the right speed… Still, there were no hard feelings between them. All that mattered was Lego. The man left his card with mom and went on his way.

The amazing thing is that Alfie and Yoshi were there all along, but kept out of the way the whole time. They just sat there, completely still until Suzanne arrived and got them all in the car. Mom had already called our vet, but that hospital was full that evening. They stopped by another place where they were also shown the door, before they headed off to the biggest animal hospital in town. It was farther away, but they were the only ones who could take him in at that hour. Strangely, Lego was sitting up, using both his front legs! Mom kept her cool, only because she had gone into some kind of protector mode. Lego was quiet, and seemingly calm, when mom carried him in to the hospital. And surprise! When she let him down on the floor, he was walking around like nothing had happened! Mom told the whole story, but the vet was confused. “You say he just got hit by a car? At at least 70 km/hour (43 mph)??”, she asked. She just couldn’t make sense of it, no one could. There he was, as agile as ever, with only a scratch on his head! Sure, he was a bit subdued, but that didn’t stop him from wagging his tail!

Mom had also called dad of course, and after no more than 15 minutes he was in there with them. He had left work to come and be with his baby, and he was obviously shaken to the core by this whole ordeal. You don’t get a call like that and pretend like nothing, do you? The vet did a thorough check-up on Lego and found nothing, he was free to go home. My folks were ecstatic! Suzanne kept Alfie in her car and Yoshi and Lego came home with my folks. They met up outside our building and mom finally got a chance to thank Suzanne for her input.

Back home I waited for them impatiently with Ev and Addy. We had sensed something wrong and all that worrying had made us thirsty. We drank our whole water bowl (which consists of several liters of water) and peed inside… This just doesn’t happen otherwise (and I didn’t even know the 3 of us could drink that much!), but we knew that something had happened to our brother, we could feel it. We sniffed him all over and then we left him alone all night. Even though he was moving alright, we could sense he was still in a lot of pain. My folks agreed not to feel sorry for him, since pity only leaves us stuck in a bad state of mind. No, everything was fine now. There was no reason to go over it again and again. Instead we popped in a movie and started watching. But half way through it, mom cracked. Everything she’d been holding back all evening burst out at once. She went into the bathroom because there was no need for Lego to be around her energy at that time. Dad had to console her for a long time, she was so sick with guilt. “What if I had used another lead? What if I had gone another way? What if I had turned off my music, then maybe I would have heard it coming? What if…”… There were endless questions desperately seeking a comforting answer.

Then dad thought of something. “You said you had visualized where you were going to cross the road for some time before the accident happened”, he said. “And that when you only had meters to go, you saw Lego out there. Then it took you a while to realize what you were seeing, didn’t it?”, he asked. “That may have given you just the right amount of time to let the car pass by… What if Lego knew that the car was going to hit YOU? What if he saw the picture you were projecting in your mind, the spot where you were going to cross the road? What if he wanted to prevent you guys from getting hurt, or killed? You know Yoshi would have died in an instant!”. Mom was confused, so he continued. “First of all, we both know Lego is a very sensitive dog. He’s always been able to sense things before we see them coming, you know that. And he’s afraid of cars, afraid of roads! So why would he just walk into one and stay there?! It doesn’t make any sense!”. He was right, it didn’t. What if Lego did save my mom and brothers from getting hurt? The vet had said that even though it’s a miracle, only a solid, robust dog like Lego would have survived a hit like that.

Mom chose to hang on to that theory. After all, stranger things have happened. For instance, we’ve all heard many stories before about how dogs have barked incessantly when their owners get up to leave the house, only to appear in an accident moments later. And what about all the animals that left for safer ground long before the tsunami hit in 2004? They could sense the danger. Sure, they left the scene, but they also didn’t have something to protect! Anyway, it’s something to consider. Us dogs know way more than you humans give us credit for. And don’t forget who’s your best friend!

Bruised, but alright.

And he’s got a new title! “Guardian Angel”… Hm, that’s pretty sweet!