A little bit of everything

This weekend flew by so fast, and now awaits a long week before we can kick back at the house again. I love that house, we all do. It’s nice to get away from the city I’ve grown so tired of… And now I even have my own kitchen sofa to relax on! Alright, so it’s not my own, at least it wasn’t meant to be. But just give me some time and we’ll see what I can do about that…

Looking cute on my sofa.

Unwanted company…

I’d tell him to move but he’s gotten so big and…lumpy…lately. Nice or not, I’m not taking any chances!

I’d go and get Alfie but he’s out working…

…so I guess he can stay. There’s plenty of room for me on the floor anyway. And, it’s sunny!

Oh! And dad cut his hair (it’s about damn time, if you ask me…)!

You’re fooling yourself if you don’t think mom saved his pony tail (she washed it, dried it and cuddles it from time to time. Sick, I know)…

Momma made another painting. She was out of white so she hasn’t been able to paint for a while. This time she did Lego, in acrylic. Why he’s wearing a cardigan? Yeah, talk about humanizing! No, but it was actually a mistake. She finished painting the head and used up all the gray she’d blended. That took her a few hours so she was dead-tired and decided to make him a blue cardigan instead of blending some more… That’s “professional” for you… The lesson? Paint the whole thing at once instead of using up your energy on just one thing!

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