Tag Archive | Cool!

Let it snow!

I could hardly believe it when I saw all the snow outside this morning (which in itself is a sad thing considering it’s January 1st in Sweden. Global warming, anybody?). Cool! Oh, wait. That was last year. This year I actually don’t appreciate it as much. Is it my age? Did I grow up? Anyway, it’s fun for a while but then I just wanna go inside and warm my paws.

Okay, so it’s definitely my age.

Alfie couldn’t be happier, though. He’s been out all day, blissful as a bird in the sky. We don’t even have the heart to let him in! Right now he’s taking a nap on the floor but before you know it he’ll be scratching the door to get out again. Well, who wouldn’t with all that fur!

Scooby and Daysee had never seen snow before – ever! Daysee really loves it, and you can tell by the way she acts that it’s her first time in it. Scooby? Not so much. He was interested at first but wanted out – well, in – as soon as he realized it’s cold. The poor thing isn’t exactly “equipped” or used to this climate. Mom said he’s getting a winter coat of his own but I’d be happy to give him mine. Stupid Batman coat…

Loving it!

Can somebody please explain to me what this is?

We have studied Alfie when he’s outside, it’s very interesting. He will not stay in one place more than 5 minutes at the most, before he wanders off to the next corner to watch over his surroundings. He never wastes time on a dead spot, he knows exactly where to be to see as much as possible. And he does this so calmly, he never gets anxious or stressed out. But when he sees something to guard against he’ll bark until we tell him to stop or it goes away. The intensity varies depending on what he sees or hears. He likes to lie on high ground of course, as I understand these dogs usually do, so the porch is his new favorite spot. At least for 5 minutes at a time!

Doing his job.

That’s one handsome adolescent!

You smell funny!

1 toy, 2 dogs. Who takes the prize?

Dang, he’s fast! And look at that face!